Tondano caldera (Sulawesi)
The volcanoes of the Tondano caldera (Sulawesi). Beyond risks, the boom of agriculture, geothermal activities and tourism
Frédéric Laugrand and Lionel Simon
In November 2023, a three-week field trip to the Manado and Tomohon region (in North Sulawesi, Indonesia) enabled us to understand how agriculture and tourism are major sources of income for the region's inhabitants. Volcanic hazards are measured but relegated to second place.
1. The Gunung Manado Tua in front of Manado
2. The Bunaken marine Park and the Gunung Manado Tua
Access to Sulawesi is easy via the town of Manado, from where can be seen the Gunung Manado Tua, the emergent part of a dormant volcano rising to an altitude of almost 600 meters. This volcano is one of the attractions of Bunaken marine Park. In contrast the Tomohon region located inland, an hour's drive from Manado, remains an active volcanic area.
3. The Gunung Lokon volcano has become a fruitful area for agriculture
4. The Tompaluan crater in between Gunung Lokon and Mount Empung
Dating back to the Miocene geological period, the Tondano caldera covers an area 20 x 30 kilometers. Since then, two twin volcanoes, Mount Lokon (Gunung Lokon, 1580 m) and Mount Empung, separated by the Tompaluan crater, have erupted several times. Mount Lokon, an active volcano, recently erupted several times between 2011 and 2015. Mount Empung, on the other hand, last erupted in the 18th and 19th centuries. Further east, Lake Tongano was formed around the same time. It retains a low level of volcanic activity, with a sulphurous hot spring. Also to the east, another of the region's stratovolcanoes rises to an altitude of almost 1,324 meters: the Gunung Mahawu. In the recent period the volcano has never been active other than in the form of fumaroles.
5. The Gunung Manawu. A lake of acid can be seen at the bottom of its crater
6. The Gunung Manawu has become a tourist attraction
During our stay, we were able to climb these volcanoes and explore the region. We were able to witness the dynamism of agricultural activities, particularly on the slopes of Mahawu, at the foot of Mount Lokon and on the shores of various Lakes and reservoirs. The region is famous for its flowers and highly productive agriculture. Products are harvested and sold at a large market in Tomohon, where the Minahasa, the majority ethnic group in the region, sell and buy meat and vegetables of all kinds. The area of plains and hills is also renowned for its tourist attractions, with many guides taking tourists to the top of volcanoes or to the shores of Lake Tondano. All in all, it seems quite clear that the vast volcanic area of the Tondano caldera has become a very dynamic region for farming and trading activities. Volcanoes are not a cause for concern for the inhabitants, who benefit from these resources.
Another attraction that captures the curiosity of visitors are the stone stelae and ancient sculptures of the Minahasa civilization, which are displayed in fields and gardens or in tourist parks.
In short, here as in many other countries, volcanic activity, agriculture and tourism go hand in hand. In addition volcanoes play a significant role in local oral traditions, they call for further research.
7. Agricultural fields near Tomohon
8. Transplanting leeks
9. Geothermal activity near lake Linow, near Tomohon
10. Fumarolles in Lahendong, near Tomohon
11. Geothermal development in Lahendong
12. Minahasa stone stelae near Tomohon